Ivone Marguiles’ Keynote Lecture “Both, On the Contrary: Propositions on Akerman’s aesthetic of in-consistency” will open the Chantal Akerman: Adventures in Perception symposium on Saturday 8th March at BFI Southbank, presented in partnership with the Department of Film Studies, King’s College London.
In this presentation Ivone Margulies (Professor at Hunter College, City University of New York) will explore the underside of Akerman’s minimalist aesthetics. Looking at films from Saute Ma ville to No Home Movie, she will discuss Akerman’s insistence in showing what happens when nothing appears to happen; the figure of the room-apart in her creative process; the instability generated by her obsessive, indecisive characters and eccentric dialogue as well as her interest in working through the silences and sonorities of her personal Jewish history.
The BFI Chantal Akerman symposium is a deep dive into Akerman’s work through a series of talks and discussions featuring scholars and critics including Ros Murray, Daniella Shreir, and B. Ruby Rich.